The Hong Kong Disneyland Resort was considered a Designated Project under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) and was assessed under the “Construction of an International Theme Park in Penny’s Bay of North Lantau and its Essential Associated Infrastructures” (EIA Report) prepared by the Civil Engineering Department (CED), now Civil and Engineering Development Department (CEDD). Following the approval of EIA, an Environmental Permit (EP) was issued to CED. Pursuant to that EP, HKITP had subsequently applied for and was issued a Further Environmental Permit (FEP) in July 2000 (FEP-01/59/2000). Following the issuance of FEP, HKITP applied for variation and an EP was issued in October 2005 (EP-01/059/2000/B) which contains the requirements and obligations for the resort operations.
In accordance with the requirement stipulated in Condition 3.2 of the EP-01/059/2000/A, an EM&A Plan shall be submitted to EPD for approval no later than one month before the operation of the Project. The EM&A Plan was prepared by the Hong Kong International Theme Park (HKITP) and submitted to EPD and obtained approval in August 2005.
Environmental monitoring and audit is conducted during the operation phase of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort in accordance with the approved EM&A plan.